Yesterday I gave thanks for my children being such good students!
All of them are or have been A B Honor Roll students... well, with the exception of Keat, they don't get letter grades in K or 1st grade. But, 2 weeks ago he was named a Terrific Kid (I already knew that, lol!) and 2 weeks before that he was Citizen of the Month. He does extremely well in school, we have some struggles that we are thankful for... he started reading when he was 3 1/2 so now he is reading way above grade level and the teachers, as well as us have to "think outside of the box" with him. I may have to have a tutor when he gets in Middle School, lol!!
Bub is ALL BOY, and we have to sit on him sometimes to get his schoolwork done, but he is very smart and is doing a GREAT job in high school. He is in the band and
plays the drums loves the drums. Me, well I love him playing them, just not so much all the time...... He is all about some baseball, too..... can't wait til Spring to see him play!!
(He is the snare player on the right)
Sis was an Honor Grad and is doing well her first year in college. Its ALOT tougher than HS, but she studies and manages her time very well. She is very persistent about her studies, sometimes she lets this stress her out, but she always does her best.
June 2011
Am of course is out of school, and in the real world, she is now a great nurse!! But, she too was an honor student not only in HS but at ECU as well.
December 2007 |
Oh, I know grades and school are not the most important thing in life, but I am very thankful that my children do not struggle or seem not to care about their school work. Life is hard and is even harder without an education. I pray that they continue to do their best and allow God to direct their paths.
Thank you Lord for some great children. Not only do they love you, but they do well in school. I pray that they continue to "do as unto you" in all they do in their lives. You have made such a difference in their lives, and best of all they are YOURS. They each have trusted you as their Lord and Savior!!! AND NOTHING can take that away!! Praise your HOLY Name!!