Sunday, November 13, 2011

Time to Catch Up: Give Thanks Days 11, 12 &13

Getting behind on posting Give Thanks was something I was afraid of happening. Even though I am behind on posting, our Thankful Time each night is still continuing. Our tree is so full of leaves, that we may have to more branches!! Something else to be thankful for, huh? Each night is a blessing in itself.  I will try to post another picture of the Thankful Tree.
Day 11
I gave thanks for God's Healing. Thank you for praying for my Dad. His surgery went great, and he got to come home the next day! That was absolutely GOD!! He is doing great, has to take it easy for 6-8 weeks. I have to praise Him for being the HEALER. About 6 weeks or so ago, my dad was taken to the ER and when I saw him, it scared me,  he looked really bad. His blood levels were so low, that he ended up getting 6 pints of blood, several days in CCU, and lots of tests later, He finally came home. He was very sick, and it was GOD that took care of him then, too. I know that God is still in the healing business! Aren't you glad??

Day 12

I GAVE THANKS that God never gave up on me. At one time I was so far away from God, he was probably the last thing on my mind. But, no matter what I did, He still loved me. I got so far down in a pit that the only place I could look was UP to HIM. And guess what, HE was right there with OPEN ARMS just waiting on me to finally come to HIM. He was there even when I didn't care, didn't want Him there, and even when I realized how much I needed Him. He was there ready to give me a second, third, fourth & on & on! He never gave up on ME!!!!

Day 13
Today I GIVE THANKS for God's Grace.

Grace--getting what you don't deserve / unmerited favor

OH YES!! His GRACE is something I definitely don't deserve, but He pours it out on me daily!!
Yesterday, was a special day, Women of Grace Women's Ministry had a Thankful Breakfast. It was such a blessing to me. There were almost 70 women there and all of it was very special. I am so thankful that I have been given the opportunity to help plan events. (Thank you Deidre!) The morning was very special, great food, some fun, sharing blessings, prayer time, testimony by a precious lady that I love dearly, and a time of devotion.
The morning was a time of His Amazing Grace.
I was attempting to get a few things done when I got home. It was just me & Kea and he was playing, and occupying himself. He has a toy camera that records short videos on it. (I wanted to post it, but the little techy deleted it when he cleared his camera when it got full) He was videoing himself and one moment he was a superhero and the next I heard him say....
"Welcome to Church!" (he had my attention~but I couldn't let him know it)
"Today I am going to talk about Grace" (what 7 year old boy talks about grace??)
"God's Grace is powerful" ( amen, brother!)
"With the Grace of Him, He will always bless you." (and the video stops!! wonder what else he would have said??)
I wrote that down so I would not forget it. I knew that those words were given to me from God. I just  stopped right there and thanked God for HIS POWERFUL GRACE. And the blessings of that precious boy and using the words of a 7 year old to get my attention! His Grace Is Amazing!!

Father thank you for your healing touch on Daddy. Please continue to touch him during his recovery. Thank you for never giving up on me. Even at my worst, you loved me and you were right there waiting on me. Your Grace is powerful!! Thank you for using Kea to remind me of your Amazing Grace. You are the Healer, the God of chances, and your Grace is extended regardless of where we have been or what we have done!! Thank you, Father, thank you!!


Deidre said...

Oh, I love that little guy. God has big plans for him.

Thanks for all your help! I always know I can count on you and it will be FUNNY! :)

Love you!

Anonymous said...

You are a blessing. You have such a special way about you. Thanks for just being you. Have a great Day.


rita said...

Why I am just now finding out that you have this here blog?

...I am so behind
Rita :D