Monday, February 6, 2012

Love is .... Day 3

On Day 2, LOVE was shown to me by a dear friend. She is someone that I can count on when I need prayer, when I need a listening ear, one that gives me encouragement and points me to Christ! She had asked me to attend a Women's Conference with her, through some unfortunate circumstances she could not attend. She told me to see if I could find someone to go with me. I knew who to ask and luckily she wanted to go!! We haven't had any bff time in a long while, so this was perfect for us. (you have to know we usually have to plan things weeks in advance because of our this was totally God!!)
We were only able to attend the Friday night event, due to our schedules, yet it was such a blessing to me. I was able to have a girls night out, worship the Lord, and see Lisa Welchel!! Don't know her?? Did you ever watch Facts of Life?? She was Blair!! Anyway, what a hoot she was!! The event was about Connections: Woman to Woman, she mentioned how some of our friends are like Teflon and thing just slide right off of them and nothing sticks. And then there are a few that are live Velcro, they stick to you, just the way you are....they are there through the thick and thin of life's ups & downs. Ones that you can be honest with and they can be honest with you, no matter what they say to you, you can handle it coming from them. I got to thinking about all that and I realize that I have a couple of friends like that and what a blessing they are in my life. 

On the other hand I was convicted in a way....

I asked myself some questions.....

Am I the type of friend I would want to have?
Am I the Teflon type of friend, one that just listens to others and then let it just slip off or go in one ear and out the other??
Am I one that is like Velcro, allowing what my friends say stick to me, and hold true in what I do or say? Can I be trusted?
Am I one that says, I will pray for you.... and never prays?
Am I one that gives of myself to my friends?
Do I show my friends love like Jesus would want me to show?
Do I put my friends needs above my own, or am I wallowing in my own problems?
Do I have a pity party when I don't think my friends are really friends at all?
Do I only call on certain friends, when I need something??
Do I tend to avoid my friends when they become needy?

I won't give you my answers to them, but I will tell you I am convicted by several. I know that God has blessed me with some wonderful friends and I am very thankful for them. Friendship is a sacrifice and it can be hard sometimes. But I know that just as in a marriage, at a job, or in our daily lives things get tough. And I know Jesus is a friend that sticks closer than a brother, but I want to take today to thank God for giving me friends that I can count on! May I not forget to have a friend I need to be a friend!! 

A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24 

May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you.
1 Thessalonians 3:12

Are you a Teflon friend or a Velcro friend??


Elaine said...

You are so velcro!!!!!!! I wish I had been able to attend this event. Thank you for sharing this "food for thought." It's definitely got me thinking!

Gail @ said...

This is a great analogy and so true. And some friends are industrial strength Velcro...even if they move away, they keep in touch and keep the connection going. Thanks for sharing this on Bless a Blogger. I pray that this week your blog/writing ministry will be blessed as well as your relationships.
Bless you!

Gail @ said...

I love this and I'm so glad you shared it on our new hop called Bless and Be Blessed. When you have a chance, pick up our new button--we now open on Saturday and have a new url:
Love your velcro analogy!
I pray you have a great week of blogging! Gail