Monday, February 4, 2013

2013 Siesta Scripture Memory Team: Verse 3!!

Wow. February is here already!! I don't know about you, but I am over the cold, then the warm, then the ice, then the rain and even more rain. I have no idea what to wear on any given day. I get up and its 25 degrees, so I put on a sweater or layers with a scarf. And by noon, I am getting a bit toasty. Then by 3pm, it is 72 degrees outside. The next morning, it is 62 degrees so I dress in light layers with no jacket, and by noon its 45 degrees.  I saw this cartoon and its a perfect explanation of our weather. 

No joke.

In seeking out my 3rd SSMT verse, I had a little bit of trouble. For almost a month, I have been deep into God's word on a certain subject, one that I am struggling with on a moment to moment basis. I know without a doubt that HE put this in my path to help me draw closer to Him. It's not easy, but with a couple sisters in Christ praying for me daily, and me focusing on a scripture each day, I have found peace and a joy, that I cannot explain. So I had lots of scripture to choose from. I desire to KNOW His word and I want HIM to show me what HE wants me to learn. This one is a reminder of what I need to wear daily!

I may not know what actual clothing to put on, even after I have checked the weather, but I am glad to know that God's word doesn't change. I haven't mastered this but, I am working on it. I am thankful He isn't done with me yet!

Each day (and each moment) I should clothe myself with

COMPASSION  - a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering
KINDNESS - the state or quality of being of a good or benevolent nature or disposition
HUMILITY - the quality or condition of not being proud or arrogant, meek putting others first
GENTLENESSpeaceful, soothing; tender, lenient, merciful. meek, mild refer to an absence of bad temper or belligerence.  
PATIENCE - uncomplaining, long-suffering, forbearing, resigned, passive, calm 

I don't know about you, but I struggle a lot in each area. I am realizing more and more, that "I" seem to get in the way A LOT!  I have said more than one time, "I wouldn't have problems with any of these, if people (children, husband, co-workers, etc) would act right!" 

Act right being, acting or doing what "I" think they should. 

So, I am working on getting out of the way.... which leads me right back to my One Word for 2013.

God's reminder to me to put Jesus first, then Others, then You (Piper!)

I thank the Lord for His compassion, His kindness, His humility, His gentleness, and His patience with me!!  

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