Monday, December 31, 2012

My 2012 One Word: CONTENT

I wanted to do an overview on my One Word 2012 CONTENT and I wanted it to be profound, I wanted to be able to share that I had it all figured out, and that I have victory over contentment in my life. To be truthful, I don't have it figured out, nor do I have victory over it. 

I will tell you that having that word placed before me, I was easily reminded when discontent entered my thoughts, immediately I began to pray and focus on the issue at hand. Did I like it? No, not always. Did I immediately become content? No, I did not. 

God has shown me many things throughout the year, many I have shared through my posts. And there are other things that I didn't share. Here is where I am going to get a little more real, and for those of you that don't know what being real is... well, hang on you will. 

Most,  the biggest reason that I find myself in discontent is because of me. I recently found a box of past Bible studies, and most of the answers to my struggles were with control issues, financial problems, and worry and fear. Each book I skimmed through pretty much held the same theme. Me giving those same things back to God over & over. Which isn't entirely the truth, because if I had really given them to Him the first time..... I would have never picked them back up.  So here I am fighting some of those same battles time  and time again. 

Which then leads to another reason for discontent.... disobedience. Yes, as hard as that is to admit. It is the truth. I know that I still struggle in some of the same areas, because I haven't obeyed the Lord in what He showed me through studies, sermons, and His word. Yes, I am still a work in progress!! He's still working on me!! 

Below is from when I first posted about CONTENT

In looking to HIS WORD I find great peace and contentment. I know that this is a work in progress.
When He gave me this word, He gave me two ways to look at it and work towards it...... 
1. I definitely need to learn to be content with the things that I have, that I am, and who He says that I am.  
2. I that I should never be content in my walk with HIM. I must strive to be more like Christ every day.  
I can say that after a year, I am much better at # 1. He chose me, He loves me with an everlasting love, I am the apple of His eye, I am Redeemed and I can go on & on .....
And as for #2, I am not content with my walk, and I am definitely not wanting to become content in that area. 

I know that I have learned a lot in the area of contentment, and I know that God has much more for me to learn. I know that I have taken baby steps in this area of my life and I will continue to do so. I pray that if you have ideas or ways that you handle contentment, share them with me. If you are struggling in an area, please leave your prayer request in the comments, and I will pray for you. 

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