Monday, February 13, 2012

Learning to Be Content

 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned,
in whatsoever state I am, 
therewith to be content. Philippians 4:11

So much for my LoveMonth postings.... 

I had great intentions and as usual life takes over. I have had two posts ready with the exception of adding video clips to them. For some reason they will not UPLOAD... I haven't had a problem before BUT I have tried several times even on different computers and no such luck. And things are so busy, I haven't had time to try to figure it out. But, when and if I do, I will post.

I have also realized that keeping up blogging can be a little stressful when I "vow" to do something that requires a daily post, or thought or whatever. I have also found that I can get so involved in reading many blogs that have been blessings to me as well as my "blog stalking hobby" checking out frugal crafty blogs (there are 100s out there) as well as on Pint*rest (that's another story in itself!!). I could spend hours if I don't pay attention to the time. 

So for that reason, I am going to have to be better about my time management. I say way too much, "I just don't have time." "I am too busy." "I am worn out"  and on and on......

In our Bible study, we were asking God what he would have us give up so that we could have more time to do our homework each week. Some have given up Fac*book, some TV, some a certain food, and take that time that they would have spent doing whatever that is to spend in Bible study or just time with the Lord. It wasn't real clear to me what I should give up..... And now I do know what I am to give up and it goes right along with my on word for 2012. 

I must give up trying to DO EVERYTHING, BE EVERYTHING, AND DO & BE PERFECTLY ....... I must give up trying to keep up with a theme, or a daily blog post (its just too stressful and takes up way too much of my time), I must give up comparing myself to others, I must give up holding on to stuff that doesn't really matter. I have some stuff that just drives me crazy, I need to give that up, too.

Seriously, is it such a big deal that I never see the bottom of the laundry basket? Or that coats are on the chair instead of the closet? Or that I didn't get to post last week. I wasted more time trying to get those videos to work and really does it matter?

I can be anal about so much that really doesn't matter. I say this to my kids when they are fussing over some of the silliest stuff ever, "If Jesus came back tonight, would this really matter??" Yet, I its one of those things I say.....but don't apply to myself. 

I still have a long way to go in seeking the Lord for my contentment. I haven't quite "learned in whatever state I am in to be content". But, I am thankful that He has shown me that there are lots of things that don't really matter. And I am wasting too much of my time spinning my wheels on some of those things. I must work on my time management along with my priorities. It's my nature to be a planner, and its odd how I don't use that "planner" in me to plan my day or my time. Not that I am going to plan everything on my to do list, because I know well enough, that curve balls are thrown and if I am in "PLAN IT" mode, I too will be thrown.

I know I have said this before, yet, I need the constant reminder to
Will you pray for me as I do my best to give up the "stuff" that keeps my focus OFF of the ONE TRUE GOD!! And strive to learn to be content where ever I am!!

1 comment:

Gail @ said...

Piper, This is so real and relevant for all of us. It's so easy to get caught up in things God didn't plan for us and so easy to waste time.
And discontent is soooo natural for us!
I ask God to help you sort out all that you should be doing/feeling, and you can send up a prayer for me as well : )
Thanks for sharing this on Bless a Blogger Friday!